Thursday, December 15, 2011

One of the things that we like to do as a family is to look at the various Christmas lights as we travel in the car from place to place. We started to do this to keep the kids occupied and some what calm while we were in the car, and over the years it has evolved into something that we like to do together. The other evening while at our family Christmas party my brother in law showed us some pictures of some lights not to far from us. When i saw the pictures I knew we would have to find this house and see it. With some help from my wife and the iPhone we found it. Here is what we saw.

Since you can't really see it all allow me to explain. nearly every square inch of the house and front yard was covered in lights. There are two signs that tell you to tune your radios to FM 90.7, and when you do that is when the magic kicks in. They are broadcasting Christmas music and the lights turn on and off, flash, fade in and out, etc. to the music. It was pretty cool and the kids loved it. Needless to say there were 8-10 other cars doing the same thing we were and many of them got out of their cars to enjoy it. Here is the full effect.

Needless to say we had and fun finding it, the kids enjoyed it, and we will probably visit it again on Christmas eve.

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