Generally I don't like getting on the political soap box (those that knew me when I was younger will find that hard to believe), but after many comments both by people I know and those I don't know, I feel compelled to do so. After two weeks many are claiming that these last Olympics were the best ever. I suppose from a certain point of view they were. The opening ceremonies were spectacular, the Chinese had more gold medals than anyone else, the venues were wonderful, no security problems, the events were well attended, everything ran smoothly. It was practically perfect. On the surface at least. I admit they are probably right. We will not see an Olympics like these anytime soon. It would be nearly impossible for a free country to leverage its assets and people like a dictatorship can. The only reason it has not happened before is that previous dictatorships were to poor to do it. Now that China has found new wealth in manufacturing practically everything that you and I own, they can afford to do it. What other country can not only afford but leverage 300 million dollars just for opening ceremonies? They were spectacular, fake fireworks and all. After all was said and done China spent around $43,000,000,000 (yes that is 43 billion dollars). Even though the Olympics were a huge success, they came at a great cost. I do not speak of money. I speak of the human cost. Countless numbers of people were "evicted" from their homes so that venues, hotels, and restaurants could be built. Athletes are trained their whole lives, often without receiving any formal education or vocational training. They rarely see their families and sacrifice all for "the glory of the country." Their families are compensated for their "services." However after the athletes are finished they are left with nothing but the satisfaction that they helped bring their country respect and glory. I do not wish to bash the games, everyone that knows me knows that I am an Olympics addict. I love the competition, the camaraderie, and the Olympic spirit. Only in the Olympics can a regular person from a relatively unknown country become famous and bring joy and happiness to so many people. How many of you knew who Usain Bolt was three weeks ago? I love the Olympics. Perhaps the Olympics will be the catalyst that will help China change. Just remember that two weeks of great entertainment and smoothness does not erase who and what China really is.

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